Explore our blog posts on diabetic neuropathy treatments in Dallas. Learn about cutting-edge options like Neurogenx and self-care strategies to manage symptoms effectively. Our experienced podiatrist at Trinity Foot Center is ready to help. Contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Lisa Brandy.
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Caring for Diabetic Feet and WoundsDiabetes can be extremely dangerous for feet, and can even result in infected wounds. Fortunately, you can prevent the worst complications. Click for more!
Diabetic Socks - More Important Than Christmas StockingsSocks are often an overlooked component of good foot health. Diabetics can’t afford to make that mistake.
Your Guide to Diabetic Wound CareNovember is National Diabetes month, so Dr. Lisa Brandy’s Trinity Foot Center team is here to help youunderstand the importance of diabetic wound care.
Contrasting Type 1 and Type 2 DiabetesNovember is Diabetes Awareness Month, so here's what we want to make you aware of at Trinity Foot Center
Diabetes and Fall RiskSenior citizens with diabetes fall 30 percent more often than others. Learn morea about the steps that can be taken to reduce your risk of falls.
Summertime Foot Care for Patients with DiabetesEnjoy the sun, the pool, the weather—everything summer has to offer without risking your feet to diabetic complications. DeSoto podiatrist
Understanding Peripheral NeuropathyPeripheral neuropathy is a condition characterized by reduced sensation in the feet. It can also cause numbness, tingling or