Getting Rid of Fungus on Toenails
Now, just as toenail fungus can infect one nail, it can spread to other nails on your feet, or on the feet of friends and family, unless you seek treatment. Also, if you delay toenail treatment, it will be uncomfortable to show off your nails with a lovely pedicure, or in your favorite peep-toed shoes. For that reason, we encourage you to seek treatment for toenail fungus with Dr. Lisa Brandy. But before we review your options, let’s explore what puts you at risk for this infection.
Cause of Toenail Fungus Infections
But why would your toenail be so susceptible to fungus? Here’s the story: when you walk around barefoot, you leave the delicate skin on your feet and toes vulnerable; sometimes, that leads to cuts that invite invading fungus to enter your body. And, if your immunity to infection is weakened by a disease such as diabetes, your risk increases dramatically.
Toenail Fungus Symptoms
- Thickening of the toenail
- Nails that turn yellow in color
- A bad odor that comes from the nail
- A crumbling or brittle nail texture
- Deformed nail shape
- Chalky debris forming beneath the nail
- Recurring ingrown toenails
- Sensitivity in the skin surrounding the infected nail
Preventing Fungal Infections
If you wish to prevent onychomycosis, you should start by washing your feet every day, using soap and warm water. Afterward, carefully dry your entire foot—including the spots between your toes—in order to avoid a fungal infection of the skin known as athlete’s foot.
Now, as mentioned earlier, if you walk barefoot, you’ll increase your risk for fungal infections, particularly around locker rooms or on pool decks. But just wearing any old shoes won’t provide enough protection—instead you must select pairs that fit well and allow your feet to breathe, helping keep your feet dry and less inviting to fungal infection.
Finally, you may be able to prevent infection by taking care with the way you trim your toenails. Trim the nail in one straight line, making sure not to follow the curve of your nail bed. Also, it’s important not to trim the nails too close to the skin: be sure to leave behind a sliver of visible white nail. Why is the length important? If you trim too much, you expose more of the delicate skin beneath the nail, and that increases your risk for cuts as well as infections.
Treating Toenail Fungus in DeSoto, TX
Once you’re in the office, we can diagnose your condition with a thorough physical exam. In some cases, we may need to test the toenail to determine the type of fungus infecting your nail, in order to come up with an appropriate treatment plan.
But what will your fungal toenail treatment involve? Fortunately, we have many effective ways to clear up your fungal infection; the option we choose will depend on the extent of the infection, along with the exact fungal type that caused the problem in the first place. However, some patients may need part of their nail removed in order to fully heal. This procedure allows us to clear out debris from beneath the nail, speeding up your recovery process.
Of course, every individual will heal on a different schedule. However, it typically takes at least 6 months to fully resolve your toenail fungus. For that reason, we urge you to schedule an appointment. If you begin your treatment process this winter, your toenails should be clear and ready to show off come summer time!