Chances are you’ve experienced a paper cut or jammed your toe on a coffee table before. And because you have, you know how annoying and painful this can be.
Having an ingrown toenail isn’t much different.
In fact, ingrown toenails can be put in the same category of “super annoying things pretty much everyone has to deal with at least once in their life.”
An ingrown toenail can be a painful reminder of a toe you usually rarely notice.
Not only that, it can also keep you from doing the things you love. In this case, maybe you are unable to wear your favorite pair of shoes, or perhaps you are unable to go for your usual morning jogs.
We have some good news, however:
You can do something about it!
Many ingrown toenails are relatively simple to care for at home and don’t require much in the way of outside intervention. Though, in more severe cases, at-home treatment is likely not going to do the trick.
And we have some even better news:
Regardless of how bad your ingrown toenail has become, the medical team at Trinity Foot Center is here to help you get rid of this problem and back on your feet as quickly and as safely as possible!
From topical and oral medications to complete removal of the toenail, when you come visit us you can rest assured that we can provide you with the care you need.
So if you have developed an ingrown toenail – and especially if you’ve had this condition for a while now and nothing you do seems to be working – then keep reading this blog.
But first, what exactly is an ingrown toenail and why do they happen?
Ingrown Toenails and What Causes Them
Ingrown toenails – also known as onychocryptosis – typically develop on the big toes and are caused by pressure that pushes the edge of the nail into the surrounding skin.
Here are some things that may be causing your toenail(s) to become ingrown:
- Improper nail trimming
- Trauma to the foot
- Fungal infections
- Ill-fitting shoes
- Foot deformities
Aside from making your toes look less than beautiful, this condition can cause pain, redness, inflammation, swelling and even infection.
Even though those symptoms may go away on their own (when given some time), easy steps like warm foot soaks, elevation of the foot, and taking anti-inflammatory medications may help with healing and reducing pain.
You should also keep in mind that chronic cases of ingrown toenails will most likely persist or get worse, so your best option is to come visit our office for further evaluation and treatment. Depending on your particular situation, we might prescribe antibiotics or even perform surgery to eradicate the condition.
In-Office Treatment for Ingrown Toenails
When at-home treatments just don’t seem to be working, we can help you get rid of your ingrown toenail here at our Trinity Foot Center office.
Below are some of the options we provide:
- Careful lifting of the nail to allow extra relief and faster healing.
- Partial removal of the nail with a local anesthetic.
- Prescribed topical and oral medications.
If your ingrown toenail keeps returning despite all your efforts to kick this problem to the curb, then we will likely have to look further into the underlying causes.
Perhaps what you need is a simple change in footwear, or maybe all you have to do is modify the way you trim your toenails.
Regardless of what the root of the problem is, we will get to the bottom of it.
It is worth mentioning that, in some cases, ingrown toenails are inherited. This means that if you, for example, have naturally curved nails, then you are simply more prone to developing ingrown toenails.
When Should You Get Help for You Ingrown Toenail?
If you are wondering when you should finally become concerned enough about your ingrown toenail to come visit our office, check out the list below:
- Your toe shows signs of infection. These signs can include redness that is radiating and spreading away from the toe, discharge of pus (or a buildup beneath the nail), or severe pain.
- The toe is especially painful. Even if it is not due to an infection, an ingrown nail that is giving you a lot of pain is best treated with expert care.
- You live with diabetes. When diabetes is a factor, the risks of even small nuisances on the feet turning into big problems will drastically increase. At the very least, you should give us a call and let us know what is going on.
- You frequently get ingrown toenails despite your best efforts. Even if your ingrown toenails are easily treated, there is still an underlying problem if you are consistently suffering from them.
If you are unsure about your symptoms or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. After all, that is why we’re here!
We Can Help You Today
Even though we certainly hope that your ingrown toenail will respond to at-home remedies, you should come visit us today if it becomes a pestering situation (or in cases of severe pain and/or infection!). All you have to do is call our DeSoto office at (972) 293-9650 or simply fill out our handy request form online.