Whether you’re a teacher, a retail representative, or anyone else who spends long hours standing on the job, it’s very important to protect your feet. When you must stand all day, whether, for work or travel, you’re at risk for so many problems, including arch and heel pain. 

Now, simply standing for hours increases your risk for chronic pain. But other lifestyle choices can make matters worse. So, before explaining how to prevent or treat the heel pain that comes from standing all day, let’s review some quick no-nos. First, avoid standing on hard surfaces, whenever possible. Avoid pointed shoes, high heels, or even narrow pairs of flats.  

So, those are some of the hard and fast rules of standing all day. But even if you’re doing everything right, your heels might hurt after spending many hours on your feet. Soon, we’ll offer one great tip for preventing this type of heel pain. First, though, we have to review why standing up can place such a strain on the feet and heels. 

Why Standing Causes Heel Pain

Unlike when you walk or run, when you stand in one spot, your feet and legs can never relax. Instead, they remain engaged, supporting your full body weight the entire time. Given this pressure, spending hours standing up puts lots of strain on your arches. Tugging at your plantar fascia and causing the pain and inflammation of plantar fasciitis

Preventing Heel Pain When Standing Isn’t Optional

While standing puts tons of pressure on your feet, there are lots of things you can do to help prevent pain. 

First of all, sit down whenever you have a chance. Just five minutes of rest, scattered throughout the day., can take enough pressure off your arches to prevent flattening—and heel pain! When you take that break, try and elevate your feet above your heart. Or, if that’s not possible during the day, at least lie down and prop them up at the end of the day. At that time, it would also be a good idea to give your feet a nice soak in warm, soothing water, adding Epsom salts for extra benefits. 

While standing, try to shift your weight or stand in different positions. If possible, try to walk around a bit, even in a small area, to give clenched muscles a break and make sure one spot on your feet or heels doesn’t take all the pressure. 

To minimize the pressure coming from the floor, try to soften your standing surface by putting down special rubber mat designed to prevent foot fatigue

Of course, the shoes you choose to wear will also make a difference, as noted earlier. Choosing comfortable and supportive sneakers with plenty of wiggle room will help reduce the impact of standing. And, if sneakers alone aren’t enough to keep your aching heels happy, we’ve got a lasting—and simple—solution: custom orthotics! 

Custom Orthotics: A Long-Term Solution to Heel Pain

When you have to stand all day, even the most supportive sneakers may not be able to prevent heel pain. In those cases, adding custom orthotics to your shoes will offer the extra support you need to counteract that pressure on your arches and heels.

Why are custom orthotics so effective at reducing pain and inflammation in your heels? Because orthotics are custom medical devices crafted to fit your individual foot shape, they can reduce pressure exactly where you’re feeling the pain. In this way, they can support the exact spots on your feet and heels that were absorbing the pressure of standing. And the result? Lasting heel pain relief, no matter how long you spend on your feet each day. 

But heel pain relief is not the only benefit you can get from orthotics. Over time, these supportive devices improve your gait, eliminating pressure points on the feet and keeping you from overloading your support system. Because of that effect, many people who wear orthotics also find they become more efficient walkers, runners and athletes.  

Finding the Right Orthotics for Your Needs: Choosing the Right Shape and Size 

Now you see why orthotics are so important for people who have to stand for long periods during the day. But there are so many different types of orthotics, that choosing the right one can be challenging. Don’t worry: we’re here to help make the process simpler!

But wait, you may be wondering: since orthotics are made to fit your feet, how can there be more than one style of custom supports? Well, we can craft your orthotics in different ways, so that they can perform different tasks. Some will offer arch support to alleviate heel pain—those are the kinds you’re probably looking for right now. Some can help offload your diabetic ulcers, or make up for differences in the length of your legs. Still others can boost your balance or keep your feet from rolling in when you run or walk—we call that overpronation.  

How can you know which of these features you should ask for in your orthotic devices? The good news is: you don’t have to! Think of it this way. When you go to the eye doctor, you’ll get a prescription for contacts or glasses. Even if you didn’t have certain vision concerns before the appointment, everything will become clear after your in-person eye exam. 

Well guess what? The same thing will happen when you come in for an orthotics evaluation. Dr. Lisa Brandy will thoroughly examine your feet and gait (that’s the way you move when you walk) and give you the right prescription for orthotics to meet all your needs. Then, all you have to do is actually wear them—consistently—and you’ll get lasting support and relief. 

Heel Pain Relief in DeSoto, TX

Ready to stand up on the job without awful heel pain? We’re here to help. Schedule a custom orthotics consultation with our podiatrist in DeSoto, TX and we’ll get you back on your feet. 

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