Do you have to switch up foot care in summer? And are there tricks and tips to help you score pretty summer toenails? With summer in full swing now, you do need to make some adjustments to your regular foot care routine. Otherwise, the weather and range of outdoor, active adventures can take a serious toll on the way your feet look and feel. Want to avoid that outcome? Let’s dive in and get focused on the right foot care for this season. 

Why Foot Care in Summer Has to Change

In the long winter months, you can keep your feet a bit more undercover. Even here in Texas, you spend more time in closed-toed kicks. But, by July, all we’re wearing is those lovely summer sandals. And that means you’ve got to nail your seasonal foot care. 

First of all, looks matter when it’s warm out. If you’re wearing your best sandals, you want to show off pretty summer toenails. And it’s hard to do that if you’ve got a problem like a fungal toenail. Or, if your feet are coarse and callused because you aren’t getting the right kind of moisture. 

But even if your feet look great, summer can leave them feeling less than their best. After all, open-toed shoes leave your nails exposed to bumps and bruises. This can cause damage to your nails, leaving you more likely to face an ingrown or lost toenail.  

Then, there’s the issue of temperature. Hot, sweaty summer days can leave your feet moist and slick. Add in shared public surfaces like pool decks or beach club changing rooms, and you’ve got a recipe for fungal infections such as athlete’s foot. Finally, summer foot gear tends to be less supportive than the sneakers we wear in cooler months. As such, you’re more likely to notice heel or arch pain during this time of year. 

Now that you know all the challenges of the season, we’re ready to dive into our top six tips for foot care in summer. As you may have already guessed, they’ll be focused on preventing injury, restoring the appearance of your skin and nails, and making sure you can walk through the season without any pain or discomfort! 

1. Foot care in summer: keep it clean

During the long, hot summer, you need to clean your feet really well. When you wash, use soap and warm water. And really clean everywhere, making sure to focus on less visible spots, like the skin between your toes. Afterwards, put extra effort into completely drying your feet before slipping on socks or shoes. Otherwise, spots that remain damp could invite fungal infections to take hold.

2. Foot care in summer: keep skin smooth

During the winter months, a key element of foot care is moisturizing. This can help you avoid rough, dry patches on your skin, along with cracked or bleeding heels. Still, it can be tough to avoid this side effect of winter. So, if you’ve still got some dry or rough skin patches on your feet, now’s the time to tackle them. 

Start by gently exfoliating the feet on your skin, using a clean, new loofah or pumice stone. Got corns or calluses?  Don’t try to slough them off or treat them on your own—all those over-the-counter treatments you find in the drug store don’t work well. And, in some cases, they could even harm your delicate foot skin. Instead, make an appointment with Dr. Lisa Brandy. She can help get rid of those corns and calluses and offer suggestions—like adding custom orthotics to your shoes or sandals—that will prevent them from returning.   

3. Foot care in summer: moisturizing still matters

Even though humidity puts more moisture in the air, your feet can still get dry in summer—and at a faster rate than most of the rest of your body. For that reason, you need to moisturize your feet daily in the summer. (By the way, if your feet tend towards dryness, you can bump that routine up to twice a day.) 

Of course, not every moisturizer is created equally. If your feet are very dry already, look for a moisturizer with urea for added hydration. But don’t moisturize between the toes, as that could create a damp environment in which athlete’s foot infections love to form.

4. Check your foot form, too

Foot care in summer demands looking at your feet more often, this may be the time when you notice changes in the shape or structure of your feet. Is there a bump on your heel? Or a big lump beneath the big toe joint? That could mean you’re developing a bunion or heel spur. And if you come in when they’re just developing, we can help prevent discomfort—and prevent progression—usually without surgery.  

5. Get your pretty summer toenails, the safe way

There’s nothing like a salon pedicure to get those pretty summer toenails. But when you soak your feet in the spa’s bowl, you’re opening yourself up to foot infections. Plus, if you let them remove your cuticles, you’re more likely to develop ingrown toenails. Want a safer option? Think about bringing your own tools to the salon when you go. And skip that foot soak, unless the salon takes safety measures such as lining the bowl with a fresh, disposable plastic cover for each new customer. Finally, have your pedicurist file your nails instead of cutting them and asking for a square shape is the best option here.

Need more help with foot care in summer? That’s our greatest pleasure! Make an immediate appointment in our office and we’ll get your feet looking and feeling ready for summer fun! 

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