The first line of defense for any ankle injury is the well-known RICE approach (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). But what are the signs that an injured ankle needs professional attention?
- Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are to be expected with ankle injuries, but if they are severe, experts say it’s time to see a doctor. “The more swelling and bruising you see, the more concerning the injury is,” said Lisa J. Brandy DPM, a podiatrist in practice at Trinity Foot Center in DeSoto, TX.
- Weight Bearing: The initial pain of your injury should subside and allow you to bear weight on the ankle. If you are unable to put weight on the joint, it’s important to seek medical care.
- Weakness in the Ankle: If your ankle “gives out” following an injury, it’s worth seeing a physician for a diagnosis.
- Duration: Any injury that doesn’t resolve itself in a few days is a serious one that warrants checking in with your podiatrist.
“Ankle injuries are very common, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be serious,” said Dr. Lisa J. Brandy. “If you’re in any doubt, it’s a smart move to see a podiatrist so they can determine whether the injury is to the bone or to the soft tissue and create a treatment plan based on your specific injury.”
An ankle injury may require an X-ray or other imaging study for a proper diagnosis. Treatment could range from a brace to help keep the ankle immobile while it heals to physical therapy or even surgery. Avoiding treatment for a serious ankle injury could result in long-term consequences.
“If you don’t treat an injury, it could lead to chronic weakness and instability in the ankle,” said Dr. Brandy. “That could cause long-term pain and make you susceptible to re-injury.”
To avoid future injuries, Dr. Brandy advises wearing the right footwear for your activity. Don’t hike in flip flops or play basketball in running shoes. If you’ve experienced a significant ankle injury in the past, talk to your podiatrist about a properly fitted brace that can help stabilize your ankle joint during sports and other activities. Always stretch well prior to a workout or sports, and try strengthening exercises such as the ones available on the American Podiatric Medical Association website at
“The bottom line is that an ankle injury can turn into a more serious condition if you ignore it,” said Dr. Lisa J. Brandy “So if you’re in doubt, get it checked out.”
Lisa J. Brandy, DPM, is a podiatrist at Trinity Foot Center in DeSoto, TX. Call (972) 293-9650 or visit to make an appointment.
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